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Album "Composiciones Secretas" by Miguel Angel González Aguado.

In 2013 Miguel Angel González Aguado released his second instrumental album called "Composiciones Secretas". The exact publication date was the 12th of december, 2013. It's an instrumental album with 14 compositions: there is at least one classical guitar in all of them (sometimes two) and in three compositions there are 1 or 2 electric guitars. Miguel Angel González Aguado is the author of all these compositions. He is also the artist who plays in the album and the producer.

You can buy "Composiciones Secretas" as a digital format on internet stores in more than 70 countries. You can see in this website the list of places where you can buy his records in MP3. The price of this album is around 8 US-dolars or 7 euros. Most of the times you can listen to some parts like a sample in these stores.

Names of the pieces in "Composiciones Secretas":

This is the list of the compositions of the album "Composiciones Secretas", the ones that have not written any instrument next to them in brackets, are for one classical guitar.

1. El Sí del Mago.

2. Miedo al Fracaso (for two electric guitars and one classical guitar).

3. Vals de las Áconas (for two classical guitars). Scores available.

4. Fantasía Nostálgica (for one classical guitar, one electric guitar and one double bass). Scores available.

5. Otro Invierno Más.

6. Violinismo (for two classical guitars). Scores available.

7. El Secreto del Tiempo (for two electric guitars and one classical guitar).

8. Tuve el Mismo Sueño.

9. Nocturno.

10. El Famoso Día.

11. Rondó Sin Costumbres.

12. Medioevo.

13. Marcha Militar en el Cementerio.

14. Dos Caras.

More information about "Composiciones Secretas":

Some of the pieces of this album ("Miedo al Fracaso", "Vals de las Áconas", "El Secreto del Tiempo" and "Fantasía Nostálgica") are recorded in a way that the instruments (the classical and electric guitars) sometimes sound only in one speaker, or each one in each speaker, or sometimes in both or they even "move" from one speaker to the other. The experience with the headphones is very funny because you can hear the instruments in one ear each, or in both (that seems in the middle of your head) or move from one ear to the other. Also, in these compositions, the instruments don't start at the same time. For example at the beginning of "Fantasía Nostálgica" you only hear the classical guitar in one speaker (or one ear if you use headphones), then the double bass in both and, after a while, the electric guitar in the other speaker.

People that like rock music, the first time that listen to the album they could start to listen from the beggining but people that like more quiet music could start listenning from the 8th theme "Tuve el Mismo Sueño", but don't miss the beginning of the album!

In "El Famoso Día", Miguel Angel González Aguado symbolizes the beautiful things, the affection, calm and love. With "Marcha Militar en el Cementerio" he reflects the disaster that all wars bring.

More recommendations:

This is his second record. His first album is Canción de Invierno which is published since the year 2000. And in 2018 Miguel Angel Gonzalez Aguado released the single Piensa que lo lograrás, then the album Fuerza de Voluntad and then the single Paseando por Madrid.

His new album Confía en Mí was published in 2023 and it's available on these digital platforms around the world along with his other records. This album reflects that the love of God is the light of the world, trust Him and appreciate everything He gives you.

The single Te va a ayudar was also published in 2023. It's the single from this new album and the track no 6 of the album. Both, album and single are dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth.

And Miguel Angel González Aguado has loaded to YouTube a video with his proposal for the Community of Madrid Anthem! composed by him: it's his composition Paseando por Madrid in anthem format for the CAM.

All his records are instrumental and entirely composed by him. He is also the author of more works. In this website you can find information about the places where you can buy his records and his scores and books. In the other hand, he gives concerts since more than 30 years and he also offers guitar lessons. In this website you can also see his academic qualification from Conservatoire and University.