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Album "Fuerza de Voluntad" by Miguel Angel González Aguado

The album "Fuerza de Voluntad" by Miguel Angel González Aguado is available in the places that appear in this list where you can listen to it and buy it. In this album the guitar of all kinds (classical, electric and acoustic) continues being the main instrument although there is a great instrument diversity including violin, viola, cello, double bass, piano and bass guitars of 4 and 5 strings. As his other records, "Fuerza de Voluntad" is an instrumental album entirely composed by Miguel Angel González Aguado. He is also the artist who play in it.

Names of the pieces in "Fuerza de Voluntad":

This is the list of the compositions of the album "Fuerza de Voluntad" and the instruments in each one in brackets.

1. Encantamiento (for one acoustic guitar and one electric guitar).

2. Vals Disonante (for one classical guitar).

3. En la Gruta (for 2 electric guitars, 1 classical, a bass and a double bass).

4. Eco (for classical guitar).

5. Guerra (for one electric guitar and one classical guitar).

6. El Misterio (for one classical guitar).

7. Piensa que lo lograrás (violins 1st and 2nd, violas, cellos and double basses 1st and 2nd). Available in single.

8. Improptus Gris (for one classical guitar).

9. Variámonas (for violin and piano). Scores available.

10. Con Esfuerzo (for one cello and a 5 strings acoustic bass guitar).

The front page of "Fuerza de Voluntad"

Jose Luis Diaz Almenara made the graphic design of the front page of "Fuerza de Voluntad" (See top of this page). This design reflects very well the slow change Miguel Angel González Aguado is doing due the increasing presence of the electric guitar in his records. Jose Luis Diaz Almenara did also a great graphic design of the front page of the single Piensa que lo lograrás.

Curiosities of "Fuerza de Voluntad"

The reason is called like this, "Fuerza de Voluntad" (in English "Willpower") it's to bring encouragement to people when listening to it. But on the other hand "Fuerza de Voluntad" is a very emotional record. The music by Miguel Angel González Aguado is very intense, can never be mere background music. Miguel Angel González Aguado reflects all his feelings in his compositions.

The single of "Fuerza de Voluntad" is Piensa que lo lograrás. It was published as a single on 5 April 2018. In the album "Fuerza de Voluntad" is the track number 7. Both Recordings (track and single) are identical although the single comes in the format of an independent single. The price difference between just buying track no. 7 (about 0,99 €) or the single (about 1,29 €) is very little in some stores may be even less. On 12 of April 2018 "Fuerza de Voluntad" was in pre-sale on iTunes and Google Play, and since May 5th 2018 is published in all the stores that appear in this list where you can listen and buy all the records by Miguel Angel González Aguado.

Miguel Angel González Aguado has given a great deal of importance to the basser sounds and instruments, so they have great prominence and "dialogue" with the treble instruments. This can be appreciated in "Piensa que lo lograrás", "En la gruta" and very especially in "Con Esfuerzo" which is for a cello and a 5 strings acoustic bass tuned two octave lower than a guitar, which it gives really low sounds.

More curiosities

Concerning the gradual transformation that Miguel Angel González Aguado is experiencing towards more "heavy" music styles, the first part of Composiciones Secretas (the second record by Miguel Angel González Aguado published in 2013) was "heavier" and the second part starting from the 8th theme "Tuve el Mismo Sueño", much more calmer. And his first record, Canción de Invierno, published in the year 2000, is much calmer although in Tormenta (number 6 of this album) he continuously changes the electric and classical guitars and, at the end, plays both at the same time! (with one hand each). And also "Arcaismo Blues" (number 14 of this album) that is one of his most wellknown compositions for classical guitar. Miguel Angel González Aguado has his own music style, his music is very personal. In Piensa que lo lograrás he surprises us with an instrumental template of violins 1st and 2nd, violas, cellos and double basses 1st and 2nd. Even so some of his fans who usually hear diverse rock and heavy music have said that they liked "Piensa que lo lograrás", although it's not the genre of music they usually hear.

Actually, after the success of the album "Fuerza de Voluntad" the single Paseando por Madrid was published.

It was difficult to decide how the front page of "Fuerza de Voluntad" was going to be. That's why, at the beginning, the album was being announced with a question mark on this website and social networks. Then Miguel Angel González Aguado did the photos trying to express how "Fuerza de Voluntad" was going to be, and made this first design of the front page, with which this album continued announced for a while.

His new album Confía en Mí was published in 2023 and it's available on these digital platforms with his other records. The frontpage is a portrait of a very close Jesus of Nazareth who comes to help everyone who accepts him in the heart. God feels for all of us a great love and never abandons us as is sometimes thought.

The single Te va a ayudar was also published in 2023. It's the single from this new album and the track no 6 of the album. Both, album and single are dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth.

And Miguel Angel González Aguado has loaded to YouTube a video with his proposal for the Community of Madrid Anthem! composed by him: it's his composition Paseando por Madrid in anthem format for the CAM.

More information

In this website you can find information about his concerts history of more than 30 years long. He also offers guitar lessons. He has a great academic qualification with degrees from Conservatoire and University. Miguel Angel González Aguado is the author of all the compositions of his instrumental records and many more works.