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Album "Canción de Invierno" by Miguel Angel González Aguado

"Canción de Invierno" is the first record that Miguel Angel González Aguado released. It's published since the 3rd of march, 2000 in physical CD and since some years ago is also available in MP3, next to his other records, in digital stores on internet in more than 70 countries of the World.

It's an instrumental album: 13 compositions are for classical guitar, one for Indian Sitar ("La Senda de los Elefantes") and another one "Tormenta" for electric and classical guitars that at the end are played together (one with each hand).

Miguel Angel González Aguado is the author of all these compositions. He is also the artist who plays in the album.

If you would like to buy the album "Canción de Invierno" in MP3, you can consult in this website the list of places where his records are available on internet. Most of the times you can listen to some parts like a sample in these stores.

Names of the pieces in "Canción de Invierno":

This is the list of the compositions of the album "Canción de Invierno", the ones that have not written any instrument next to them in brackets are for one Classical Guitar.

1. Andrómeda.

2. La Maravilla.

3. Sueño.

4. Canción de Invierno.

5. Romance a la Luna Llena.

6. Tormenta (for one electric guitar and one classical guitar).

7. Tres Vértices.

8. En Alegre Pérdida de la Enciclopedia de la Vida.

9. El Amanecer.

10. La Senda de los Elefantes (for Indian sitar).

11. El Lenguaje de los Animales.

12. Romanza.

13. Atardecer Gris.

14. Arcaísmo Blues.

15. Leyenda.

More information about "Canción de Invierno".

There are more curiosities to tell about this album, for example the name "Canción de Invierno" (Winter song) doesn't refer to the winter season, it's to define innermost, transcendental and no commercial kind of music.

The music style of the album "Cancion de Invierno" has been described by many media (like for example radios) as "New Age" as well as "instrumental music".

Miguel Angel González Aguado called the second piece that appears in the album "La Maravilla" because is wonderful not only to receive help when you ask for it to God, but also that you realize somebody "at the other side" has listened to you

In "Tormenta", (number 6) he combines a electric and a classical guitar during the piece and, at the end, both guitars are played at the same time! "El Amanecer", number 9, symbolizes a personal revival.

Miguel Angel González Aguado has always liked animals. In "El Lenguaje de los Animales" (num 11) and "La Senda de los Elefantes" (num 10) he reflects animals' goodness.

New album "Confía en Mí"

His new album Confía en Mí was published in 2023 and it's available on these digital platforms with his other records. This album is in praise of Jesus of Nazareth, the frontpage is a portrait of Him.

The single Te va a ayudar was also published in 2023. It's the single from this new album and the track no 6 of the album. It's also dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth.

And Miguel Angel González Aguado has loaded to YouTube a video with his proposal for the Community of Madrid Anthem! composed by him: it's his composition Paseando por Madrid in anthem format for the CAM.

More recommendations:

Also in 2013 Miguel Angel González Aguado released the album Composiciones Secretas and in 2018 the single Piensa que lo lograrás, then the album Fuerza de Voluntad and then the single Paseando por Madrid. All his records are instrumental and entirely composed by him. He is also the author of more works. In this website you can find information about the places where you can buy his records and his scores and books. You can also see his academic qualification from Conservatoire and University and the information of the guitar lessons that he offers. In the other hand, he gives concerts since more than 30 years.