
Web en Español


Prices of the concerts of Miguel Angel González Aguado.

Due to the distances between the countries, the costs in trips are much more expensive. They could be organized if they are part of a tour that include several concerts. That's why is not possible to publish a reference price in this website because the prices of the concerts proposals variate depending of the travel expenses. The best thing to do is to contact Miguel Angel González Aguado to draw up a budget.

Travel expenses.

In a trip there are several expendings such as the plane ticket, rental of equipment, accommodation or food. May be the contracting party could provide the plane tickect or, if the concert is for example in a College, the accomodation or food. In that case the expenses would be reduced. Also note that this trip over several days must compensate the loss of those workdays in Madrid, not only to cover the expenses.

It would be cheaper to contract more than one concert because the trip expenses would serve for two or more concerts like a tour or the didactic course "Evolution of the guitar trought the times", or even something similar to the Summer courses that he offers in Spain in which he teaches guitar and Spanish culture.

In this website you can find all the information about Miguel Angel González Aguado like for example his history of concerts of more than 30 years giving concerts, his academic qualification and degrees from Conservatoire and University and the guitar lessons that he offers including guitar lessons online that you can take from any part of the World.


Phone and Skype:

Phone and WhatsApp: +34658910099

Skype: canciondeinvierno